Autism and self care: why it’s important

You’ve probably heard all about self-care and how important it is to our health. And since finding out I’m autistic, I have been thinking about my self-care routines lately.

There is a lot of advice out there surrounding self-care. And it can be very overwhelming trying to take all that advice on board. No matter how well meaning it is. Many of the self-care tips out there are for non-autistic people. While it may be solid advice, it does not work when it comes to autistic brains.

So, I’ve put together this blog to try and help autistic figure out their own self care routines. I’ve tried to break down what self-care is and why it is something every autistic person needs. And if these tips do not work for you, that’s okay. People have different approaches to self-care. And different things work for different people. These are just some things that work for me, and I have found helpful when creating my own self care routine. This is just the basics of self-care. Let’s get into it!

What Is Self-Care?

In order to work out a self-care routine that works for you, we should probably talk about what self-care is. It is the practice of people looking after their own health with knowledge and information available to them. Basically, you make decisions that empower you to look after your own health in a convenient way. You can do this on your own or collaborate with health and social care professionals if needed.

Self-care means taking the time to do things that improve your physical and mental health. Small acts of self-care that you practice daily can have a big impact.

Why Is It Important To Have A Self Care Routine?

There are many reasons why people should create a self-care routine.

Self-care can improve your mental health and wellbeing. It can bring joy and help to relieve stress. Regular movement can help to release endorphins and serotonin that can improve your mood. It can also help to improve your memory. Some self-care activities can help train your mind such as mindfulness or learning a new language. Self-care help to keep us mentally fit and avoid mental exhaustion.

Another reason why people might engage in self-care is to help them avoid anxiety and burnout. Being in a state of continued stress can lead to depression and burnout, particularly in the workplace. When crafting a self-care routine, many turn to yoga or deep breathing exercises. However, these can be challenging for autistic people. Instead, stimming and moving your body in a way that feels natural can work better.

Self-care can also help people feel more productive. However, there are some people who feel that productivity means getting as much work done as possible. They tend to push their physical and mental health to the limit. Though they may feel productive for a while, they will eventually burnout. Prioritising self-care can be key to being truly productive. It help us gain better cognitive abilities such as better focus and concentration.

When we give ourselves what we need to function at our best, we can become much happier.

Why Autistic People Might Struggle With Self Care?

Poor sense of self-monitoring: Autistic people can struggle to monitor our physical and emotional states. Sensory issues can make interoception challenging. In other words, it can be hard for us to know when we are hungry, thirsty, in pain or feeling cold. Without this strong sense of self knowledge, we can struggle to understand our own needs.

We can struggle to ask for help: Even if autistic people understand what is going on internally, we can find it hard to ask for a break when we need it. Going to our supervisors, parents or teachers can be overwhelming.

We can struggle with executive functioning: Self-care routines can include showering, dressing ourselves and feeding ourselves. And some autistic people can have difficulty with executive functioning. This can make completing tasks and doing basic things – like cleaning your room – complicated.

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How To Practice Self Care As An Autistic Person?

Embrace The Power Of Stimming

Meditation or taking time to keep still is a common thing spoken about in mental health spaces. It can allow you to check in and listen to your mind. Meditation might work if you are neurotypical. However, some autistic people can find keeping still difficult. We can find it hard and uncomfortable to try and quieten our minds. This means that meditation can make us feel like we are failing ‘self-care’. If you find meditation is not working for you, stimming might be better.

Stimming can be a way to regulate ourselves. Instead of meditation, try stimming and moving around. Move in whatever way feels comfortable to you. Flap your hands. Jump. Dance. And don’t be afraid of using stim toys. If you haven’t tried them before, there are loads to choose from. Stim toys such as tangles, fidget spinners or bubble pops are extremely popular.

Use Sensory Aids If You Need Them

We all know that there are many health benefits to moving our bodies and engaging with exercise. Exercise can help us release endorphins and serotonin naturally in our bodies. And running outdoors can be a great way to do this. However, for some autistic people, this can be challenging. The visual and spatial build up can be overwhelming on our sensory systems. Outside can be difficult from a sensory point of view for autistic people.

Instead of going on a run, try walking at quiet times with noise cancelling headphones, earplugs or sunglasses. It is okay to use sensory aids like noise cancelling headphones to reduce sensory overload and avoid overstimulation. However, if you are heading outside for exercise, be mindful of your surroundings and keep yourself safe.

Draw Or Write Things Out

Many non-autistic people can find the 5-4-3-2-1 method useful for managing their anxiety or stress levels. For many, it can be a grounding experience when they have anxiety or panic attacks. With this technique, you are invited to imagine five things in your environment you can see, four things you can touch, three you can hear, two you can smell and one you can taste. Or take one deep breath.

However, this method might not work for autistic and other neurodivergent people. Instead, you can try writing or drawing the senses to manage stress levels. Physically writing down or drawing things out can be an easier way to follow this technique. There are some techniques out there that help us mentally. You might need to tweak them to make them work for you.

What To Do When You Can’t Talk It Through

One of the most popular pieces of advice given by mental health professionals is talking about our feelings. We are often encouraged to talk about whatever is on our mind.

When in sensory overload or on the brink of a meltdown, talking can be difficult for many autistic people. Some of us can go into a verbal shutdown. Many of us might not be able to speak at all. And some of us have difficulty in knowing and expressing our emotions and feelings.

But this is where using the traffic light system can be helpful. It consists of three colour coded cards. Green means you are ok. Yellow means you are not okay. Red means you are not okay and might hurt yourself. This method can be useful in letting your carers/loved ones know you need help. It can help them help us in a time of crisis.

Now, some people find the traffic light system works. Others, however, do not find it helpful at all. The point of creating a self-care routine is that it works for you. For me, when I do shut down verbally and cannot speak, I carry around cards that tell people how I’m feeling. Some have the words, ‘I’m autistic and experiencing overload right not. This means that I cannot speak at the moment. Please be patient.’ Some cards tell people what to do when I am having a meltdown and how to help. This could be getting me to a quiet place with little lights so my system has a chance to calm.

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Do What Works For You

Remember that many mental health tips are designed for non-autistic people. So, you might need to adjust them and figure out what works best for you. It can take time to figure out a self-care routine that works for you. And your self-care routines might change, depending on your needs. What is important is that you listen to yourself and find what helps you take care of yourself.

Orla O' Brien

Irish artist who uses artwork to celebrate autism and neurodiversity.

Autism and interoception: what you should know


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